Battle Of Lansdown

Distance – 4.52 Miles

Start at the Sir Bevil Grenville Monument and cross Lansdown road following the Cotswold way

Turn right along the private road until you see a gate to the right

Walk through the gate and follow the path adjacent to the road

At the end walk through the gate and take the track ahead to the left

Follow this track through another gate and across the field following the path with the panoramic views to your right

At the end of this path turn left through a kissing gate and follow the path until you get to the woodland by the Golf Course

Walk along the woodland path parallel to the wall

Cross the road and continue along this path

When you get to the corner of the woodland turn right across the golf course and follow the path (which kinks to the left) and continues to a gate

Walk through the gate and down the hill taking the path to your left at the bottom

Walk through the gate at the top and continue across the field

When you see a path to your left… follow this through the gate at the top

Walk straight ahead between the two fields and turn right at the end

Walk around the right edge of the next field through a gate onto the racecourse

Continue straight ahead to the viewpoint

Double back to the last gate and turn right towards the racecourse buildings

When you get to the buildings follow the road that cuts through the golf course towards Lansdown Road

Just before the road forks take the path signposted to the left and follow back to the corner off the woodland

Turn right and follow the wall to an open field

Walk diagonally across the field back to the start

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2 responses to “Battle Of Lansdown”

  1. Hi ,

    I’d luv to join this walking group. When is your next one ?

    I’m still searching for my purpose after I sustained a TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY in London in May 2010. Exercise and being with people are both so helpful to me and my well-being.

    Thus , I’d luv to join this group .

    • Hi Jaxx

      I’ve just seen your story on the IM website – amazing and welcome to Bath 🙂

      Our next walk is on Saturday 21 October at 9am

      We’d love you to join us

      I’d be happy to email you and have a chat if that’s ok to make sure we can cater for your needs 🙂

      Would that be ok?

